Sally Sullivan

Yoga Instructor Courses or Retreats

Meet our Yoga Instructor

For Sally, Yoga is not just a practice on the mat. It's an everyday lifestyle that leads people into deeper levels of healing, self-discovery and truth - one which empowers them to live their best lives possible.

The mat is where she guides students to experience their inner creativity and healing power. Her style encompasses creative playfulness, which helps them find joy in exploring new frontiers on the path towards self-discovery

The idea behind yoga is to help students overcome their fear and let go of the physical body. Sally wants people in motion, moving from love towards power so they can find calmness within themselves and learn the art of individual mindfulness practice.

Sally has a passion for teaching all different types of yoga, from the more gentle and relaxing yin practices to vinyasa flows which she loves because they challenge your body. She got into this field as an extension of her dance training where strength conditioning was essential and mindful movement skills were crucial to lead you through poses with ease.

She's a globe trotting yoga instructor who has learned to balance her own needs while mastering the art of teaching and brings a fun, creative and conscious approach to her teaching.


Sally's experience and qualifications include:

  • Yoga Teacher (1000 hour)
  • Meditation Teacher (Level 2)
  • Yoga Australia Senior Member
  • Meditation Australia Member
sally sullivan yoga instructor

Learn from Sally Sullivan

Join Sally Sullivan in an upcoming retreat or begin their course today!
Start your journey of personal transformation and step into the wonderous teachings that Sally Sullivan, our incredible Yoga Instructor has to offer.

Wellness Retreat - Beginner
Course designed for Beginner Questers
Quest Coached by

Yoga Retreat - Beginner
Course designed for Beginner Questers
Quest Coached by

Yoga Retreat - Intermediate
Course designed for Intermediate Questers
Quest Coached by