Tell someone about your course

Being 100% committed to your journey is an important first step in achieving your goals and changing your life. Telling someone you trust that you have signed up for a course can also be a powerful motivator as it helps you articulate your commitment to self-learning and dedication to complete your Quest.

planning your course
planning your course

Reduce expectations

Try not to put pressure on your performance, expectations on how you should feel, or fixate on the outcome of the course. Instead, be open to new ideas, try-on new concepts and be prepared to look at life in new and inspiring ways, and you will walk away with more self knowledge, love and insight. The optimal goal is that at the conclusion of the course, you are inspired to implement what you have learnt into your daily routine. If you learn something that allows you to truly commit to a new journey and you are ready to embody a new lifestyle, improve your wellness habits and strive for an open mindset, that would be an amazing outcome.

We hope this will be one of many courses, retreats and steps that you'll experience in your personal transformation and we hope to be part of your continued life-long learning.

Limit distractions

Turn your phone to airplane mode (or offline mode), put on ‘do not disturb’, and turn your phone on silent. The fewer distractions you have, the more chance you have of being able to completely focus on yourself, reflect on the sessions and enjoy the experience of your course. Change requires action, intent and discipline, if that is what you are seeking, then do the right thing by yourself and commit to your course experience as best you can.

planning your course
planning your course

Test your devices are working

Make sure you have access to your Quest portal and you can open up the course. We present all our sessions using streaming videos, which are compatible with devices and computers that have an internet browser. If you are connecting a device to a TV for a bigger, better view of the sessions, this can often be done using a HDMI cable or you may be able to view our OneQuest courses directly on your smart TV’s internet browser.

Prepare your course space

For our courses, we have lots of different Quests that you undertake, each with different requirements. But as a general rule, when you are completing meditation and more ‘theory’ based learning, you will just need room to sit. If you are completing a yoga, pilates or fitness class, having room for a yoga mat with a good arms space around that should be ideal. You need to be able to lie down and stretch your arms and legs out in either direction and not have any obstacles. Also having enough space above your head to raise your arms without hitting any beams or low ceilings is advisable.

There may be the odd walking meditation or request to jump up and run around but nothing that needs too much space. You can always go outside too if that is a better area for the exercise portion of your course. Be sure to check the course description to see if there is anything specifically you need for your learning, and then have fun learning with your Quest Coach.

planning your course

Support your Learning

To get the most from your course here is a list of helpful tips and tricks:

  • Consider what clothing helps you stay flexible for your movements and you are comfortable in.
  • Tell friends, family or housemates that you need some space and quiet time while you are attending your retreat.
  • Clear your schedule to limit distractions like calls, emails and messages.
  • Use props for your practise -
  • Prepare your quiet retreat space and setup your room to maximise a flow state with -
    • Incense, diffuser, candles or an oil burner
    • A notebook or device to take notes
    • A comfortable seat
    • Headphones or earbuds for a more immersive experience
    • A bottle of water
    • Switch phone to sleep or airplane mode and or turn off all notifications
  • Test your device prior to your course start.
  • Take the time to reconnect and ground yourself in your breaks.
  • Don't set performance expectations, keep an open mind and be prepared to try something new.
  • Re-watch sessions you loved to help embody your learnings and change habits.
  • Follow up with further in-depth courses from any of the coaches that you love learning from or join a retreat to immerse yourself in.

Wellbeing is the state in which your physical, mental and spiritual health are in balance, unlocking your natural healing abilities. By prioritising this important facet of self-care, the benefits to your health and overall wellbeing will be immeasurable.

Everything gets uncomfortable when it's time to change. That’s the point of the growth process. Things will get better. Be patient.

Marc & Angel